Thursday, November 15, 2012

Where I've been all week

Hello all!

I just want to make a fast post to update you all as to why I haven't posted the last couple of days. We were at NASCAR over the weekend, which was awesome as always! But the weather was cold and windy and a little rainy in the evening. That mixed with dust from the parking lots I lost the health battle and ended up with a gnarly cold. The lame part is that I am saving up all of my PTO for the wedding and honeymoon in the spring, so there's no staying home a day to sleep it off. This means I get home from work, take a hot shower and go to bed.

It bums me out because I have some awesome posts to share with you - but I have a hard enough time focusing on simple tasks at work, let a lone sitting at home and typing. I'm feeling a little better tonight - the reason why I wanted to share a short little note, but I have to take care of myself as I cant afford to risk anything getting worse. I typically have all my posts ready to go over the weekends, but things have been so crazy and busy we are home long enough to eat and sleep. But its back to resting for me, and hopefully I can do some catching up tomorrow night!

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