Tuesday, July 10, 2012

F4 Polish Swatches!

Today I share with you my first of F4 Polish! I have seen many photos of her fun glitters and finally had to order some! Well, being the sucker that I am for matte glitters, it was easy to narrow down a selection! I originally had 5 in my order and had to have RJ help me narrow them down to stay in my budget. 

You can follow F4 Polish on FaceBook HERE
You can shop for F4 Polish on ETSY HERE

LtoR: Snow Cap Mountain, Pink Cadillac, Pink Salmon

Pink Cadillac One Coat 
Base Color - OPI Skulls & Glossbones

Pink Cadillac really reminds me of an old '59 pink Cadillac. It starts with tiny holo silver and matte pink glitters, then medium sized matte black and pink glitters, followed up with an occasional large silver holo hex glitter. 

Pink Salmom One Coat
Base Color - China Glaze Liquid Leather

Pink Salmon makes me thing up bubblegum. Though, most things bright pink reminds me of that. This is full of small and medium sized matte pink and white glitter. There is also a small mix of shiny punk glitter as well. Its a perfect mix and looks amazing with a dark background!

Snow Cap Mountain One Coat
Base Color - Essie Borrowed & Blue

Snow Cap Mountain starts with small matte pink glitters a few silver holo mixed in, last the mountain is capped with matte blue and white glitters. Its an icy and girly glitter all in one.

These all have such a wonderful formula and is very simple to work with. No clumping of glitter, or digging for specific sizes. It was a very even distribution and theyre even the Big Three Free. I am very happy that I added these to my collection, and hope to pick up more from her soon. If you haven't tried them out I recommend them!


  1. Snow Cap Mountain is my favorite! I have to pick this one up! Nice blog :)

    1. Thank you for the compliment! ♥ This one has a lot of versatility thats for sure!

  2. Wow, these are all so cool! I'm really in love with Pink Cadillac, its perfect... I'll certainly be stalking that shop in hopes they'll restock it! :)


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