Saturday, December 1, 2012

10 Questions Holiday Tag & Bloghop!

Good afternoon lovelies! Today a fellow blogger, Dahlia of datyorkLOVES is doing a fun, 10 question holiday bloghop! Check it out below!

The Scoop!
Starts: December 1st
Ends: December 31st
If you have a blog: Answer the 10 questions below. Post it on your blog with image. Add the link of your post in the bloghop as the bottom the page, OR on her original post page HERE.

Holiday Tag
1. What is your favorite part of the holiday season?
Sharing! Every year we take part in a Toys for Tots event with my parents. We look forward to it every year!

2, What is one of your family traditions?
Regardless of what the family plans are, we always start early on Christmas morning at my parents house, with spiked eggnog and exchanging gifts.

3. Whats your go to polish or nail art design?
My go to polish is usually purple polish. For any event or occasion. Its my favorite color, and it works for almost everything!

4. What holiday(s) do you celebrate?

5. One thing you REALLY want for Christmas?
Our wedding. We decided to not exchange gifts for birthdays (RJs is in Dec, and mine is in Jan.) or for Christmas this year. We are paying for the majority of the wedding ourselves, so all of our extra funds have been going towards that. Honestly though, just spending the day with RJ and my family makes me happy.

6. Best gift you have received?
Hmm... I don't think that there is one item that sticks out to me. I was always happier just being with my family. If I have to pick something - It was an early Christmas gift to both of us. Last year we shopped Neweggs's Black November and we totally scored! Along with new monitors, we were able to rebuild both of our computers. Something that was MUCH needed for us both!

7. Where would you like to spend the holidays?
Well, living in AZ we don't have snow. So just once It would be amazing to for RJ and I to stay in a cabin curled up by the fire with coca and music watching the snow fall out the window. You know, like in the movies, all cozy and romantic-like!

8. Have you ever made a snowman, snow furniture, or a snow angel?
Again, I live in the middle of the desert! I have only actually even seen snow a couple of times, and I didn't want to be outside for long!

9. What is the weirdest gift you have ever received?
That's a hard one... I have participated in some secret Santa things through work and ended up with some things I would look at a bit confused, but I don't think I can recall something specific.

10. Whats your favorite holiday cookie?
Its not a cookie, but it's a baked good. I'm not too much of a sweets and cookie person anymore, but every year my Mom makes Zucchini Bread and Kuga Bread and I look forward to them every year!

I tag YOU!

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