Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Zoya Dotted Mani!

I have to start our by first saying how much I love the feed back that I am getting from one of my contest giveaways! I will definitely be working on tutorials, and start digging for more dupes! Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback on any post that strikes a thought - not just for a giveaway entry! I love the comments and feedback that I currently receive, and would really like to see more!!

Next - As some of you know - we did a fast turn around trip from AZ to NH over the weekend. Those types of trips just wear me out! So needless to say, I am still recuperating and trying to catch up on the last bit of much needed rest and sleep that I can before I end up sick! So today's post is a very simple one. I have an amazing new product that I received to review and share with you all tomorrow night pending that I am able to get the last photos I need (someone *coughRJcough*) needs to help me with it.

I have a 4 day weekend coming up this weekend! I am very excited, as I have NOTHING planned. Yes, thats right. I intend on doing nothing and being lazy! haha! Something we haven't had time for in a very long time! My only plan, really, it to work on some swatches from my now overflowing untried basket, and work on some of my first tutorials! The mani I share with you today will be the first tutorial I will get ready for you all!

So - on with the photos!

I used Zoya Zuza & Kimber and my trusty dotting tools! (Stay tuned for a tutorial on this next week!!)

Kimber made be very sad, as it is the second Zoya color to stain my nails through a base coat! Its the worst nail staining I've ever had - they're a pinkish orange! Ack! It is still a lovely shade - I will just plan accordingly when I want to use it again!

Have you tried any dotted manis?


  1. I've been dying to try this look! I can't wait for the tutorial and if I were you I would make sure you use 2 base coats for that color! I hate seeing my nails stained. :(

    1. Most definitely!! I do too - stained nails make me a sad panda for sure!


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